Here is an overview of all deaths that our funeral home are handling, once the death has been published by the family. Linked to each death is the opportunity to see the obituary and order flowers for the ceremony or condolence flowers delivered to private address. For those families who have accepted memorial page and donations, there are also a link to this.
Whether the link to the flower order, memorial page and donation service are activated will depend on what services the funeral home is offering.
In the flower shop, you can order flowers for all our funerals. Since the flower solution is integrated in the memorial page and the portal, much of the necessary information for ordering and delivery is already in place. It makes it easy to buy flowers for the ceremony or condolence flowers delivered to private address.
The flowers + card / ribbons are paid by credit card when booking. The order is sent directly to the funeral home or his chosen florist. As a customer, you will receive your receipt and order confirmation by e-mail once you have completed the payment. The payment is managed by XXX, with the greatest possible security.
In our memorial pages, you can share memories, photos and music with family, friends and others who visit memorial page. Many people choose to write a little story (obituary) that can be found there for present and future generations. It is appreciated by the family if you to take part in activities, such as writing a condolence or light a candle.
If you want to create a memorial page, please contact the funeral home who arranged the funeral.
The memorial page is a meeting place where dignity, ethics and to show care is important. We reserve the right to delete content that could be offensive.
When someone passes away, it is becoming more common that the family wants a donation to be given in connection with the death. The family can easily set up the donation digital on the memorial page for the deceased. The selected recipient of the donation could be a local organization / department or one of the major national associations. When someone gives donation, a gift certificate will be created, and it is sent to the giver and to the family administrator of memory page. The family gets a list of all who have given gifts, and the total amount received. The individual donations are not visible to the family.
The gift paid by credit card and payment goes via XXX to the selected object. The service is available 24/7 and ensures a highly secure and automated handling of memory gifts.