
Keith Fairclough

  • 02.07.1942 - 12.04.2020

Our beloved Keith Eric Fairclough, hope your line dancing in heaven ??

R.I.P My lovely stepdad Keith. I will miss your smile and your jolly personality, always happy and bubbly! Keith had a huge heart and deserved the best in life! You will be sadly missed by many!! Please feel free to light a candle and send condolence messages to Keith. Keith's funeral will be 6th May at 1.30 pm at Radcliffe Crematorium, unfortunately only 10 people will be allowed into the ceremony but anyone else who wants to show their respects is allowed to stand outside the crematorium and listen to the funeral on the speakers or line the roads on the way into/ onto the funeral grounds to show their respects, this all has to be done 2 meters apart xx All donations are to 'Dogs trust' which can be done on here xx

About the funeral service for Keith Fairclough 

The funeral takes place in the circle of the closest ones.

Silletts funeral service