Paul Cooke

Born 9 May 1958
Died 23 August 2020

Funeral service

Paul’s Funeral is on Monday 14th September 2020 at 12.30 lunch time. It is unfortunately by invite only at Radcliffe Crematorium. Family invite people to pay their respects as Paul’s cortège travels through the village to the Crematorium. He will leave from the family home on Bowness Road @12.10pm. Radcliffe Crematorium respectfully ask that people do not gather outside due to current social distancing laws.
The Web cast details are as follows ...

Login/Order ID : 48161
Password : udexawad

Please check that you can access this beforehand using your preferred device (this should work on computer/iPad/smartphone etc)

Date and time of the funeral 14/09/2020 

Location of Funeral Service

Radcliffe Crematorium, Cemetery Road, M26 4EU Radcliffe